Friday, March 07, 2008

Favorite Famous Floridian Friday Florida Crackerism

The follow crackerism was made famous by one of my favorite famous Floridians of all time.

On this one, I would like two answers:

What does it mean AND who made it famous?

A little research may be in order for non-Floridians :-D

"Tha ol he-coon walks just afore the light a day."


tsiya said...

Lawton Chiles, of whom I have some unpleasant memories. His campaign for governor was based on walking the state.

MinorcanMeteorolgist said...

Yup, "Walkin' Lawton"...The most powerful cracker that ever lived!

tsiya said...

Lawton was wishy washy on something very dear to me, the Second Amendment, but this ain't the place to speak of that!
Young Man, there are "Cracker" politicians who could move to Massachusetts, and be talking like a Kennedy in a couple of weeks, and vice versa.
You've got to sort the Cracker politicians out from the Carpetbagger politicians, and hope it makes a difference.

Unknown said...

I don't know about Lawton but there were some famous crackers at this event last weekend. I'm sorry for the disruption of the topic but I didn't know how to get your pictures to you hurricane teen.

When you get to the site, click on the thumbnails to enlarge. Then to view larger click on the photo.

Thank you for allowing me to take your photograph.

Unknown said...

BTW tsiya is correct about the politicians.


MinorcanMeteorolgist said...

tsiya - It amazes me that Lawton was lenient on gun rights. But I don't think Lawton would fit in up in Massachusetts...A lot of people who live HERE didn't even understand him, ha ha. I agree about politicians, though.

girlfriend - Hello cousin! I had a great time at the Minorcan festival...I was going to write a post on it, but I did not have the chance to get any pictures of my own.

Paintsmh said...

You were going to? Come on and do one! Some of us don't get to go to these things at all! Geesh. I need to read about something cool and fun. Seeing as I am doing absolutely nothing but working right now!