The Satsumas are looking beautiful, as usual. I took these pictures just after a fresh morning rainfall (the same morning rainfall that made me sleep in until 9:00...explanation later), and they were dripping with dewey goodness. They are COVERED with yellow-turning-to-orange fruit! I sure would love to get my mouth...on one of these now.

The Tangerines are still green, but I am noticing some slight hints of yellow in some of the fruit. I find it unfortunate that the tangerines come in after the Satsumas, because quite frankly, they are not nearly as good, and after stuffing my face with Satsumas for a few weeks, tangerines just seem too dry. Nonetheless, they are a delicious Florida fruit.

One nice thing about the tangerines is that they often drop partially ripened fruit for about the first 2 months before harvest time begins. If you can get at the dropped fruit before the bugs (or your mischevious dog) do, it is a nice taste of the great things to come. Some people find this early fruit a little too tart, but I love it! The fruit you see in the picture below is just one of those droppings, and it is currently being eaten as I write this.
Now on to the Datils! They are looking good for the most part, and I do believe I will get many pods off of them next year. But just in case, I plan to plant another 20-30 seeds or so this January to hopefully raise my plant count to about 7 or 8 for next year. That many plants should bear enough of these little green demons to make 100 pilaus and gallons upon gallons of datil pepper sauce. It's always good to have lots of leftovers for the family...Especially in my family.

YUMM! Now I want fresh fruit. Blast, not an easy thing to get htis time of year up in the northeast.
ha ha...then reading my blog is going to be torturous once the harvest comes in :-D
Satsumas rule! Tree candy if there ever was such a thing.
Ooh, those look SO good! It is apple time up here and after looking at all those lovely fruit I am going to have to go get one.
FC - I agree completely! They're better than any candy out there!
threecollie - oooooh...I would love to get my hands on a real Northern apple. You have citrus lust and I have apple lust :-D
Since you want the apples WE have, and we want the TANGERINES and such you have, we should just swap for a while.
paint - Maybe, but I'm not sure if I would be willing to give up the sweet, juicy, sunfilled goodness that my citrus provides me :-D
I've gotta ask a question, what exactly is a datil pepper? I know, it's probably the norhterner in me, but i can't figure out exactly what they are, though it is just a guess that they are probably pretty hot.
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